剧本杀好莱坞案件(Assassination in Hollywood)复盘

《好莱坞案件(Assassination in Hollywood)》剧本杀复盘解析+剧透答案

近期剧本杀上线全新剧本杀《好莱坞案件(Assassination in Hollywood)》,可能还有一些玩家并不知道《好莱坞案件(Assassination in Hollywood)》是怎么样的,不了解《好莱坞案件(Assassination in Hollywood)》凶手是谁。下面就让【公众号:阿斗复盘】小编为各位分享,《好莱坞案件(Assassination in Hollywood)》剧本杀真相答案详解。

一、剧本杀好莱坞案件(Assassination in Hollywood)类型题材

剧本名:《好莱坞案件(Assassination in Hollywood)》





剧本杀好莱坞案件(Assassination in Hollywood)复盘

二、剧本杀《好莱坞案件(Assassination in Hollywood)》故事简介

Thank you for downloading “Assassination in Hollywood”。Just a few notes:There are 6 parts to this murder mystery, introductions and 5 rounds。 You can either fit them round a dinner or just have the whole group turn the page to the next round when everyone feels they have made their point。Within this pack is the booklets for all 11 characters and an image (image_invite。jpg) which you may like to use on your invites or place mats。 ·Nigel Le Funk should have a letter with his booklet, which he will read out aloud。 It is entitled soyaletter。doc in the pack。 HAVE FUN!!!!

三、剧本杀《好莱坞案件(Assassination in Hollywood)》复盘剧透

剧本杀好莱坞案件(Assassination in Hollywood)剧透

剧本杀《好莱坞案件(Assassination in Hollywood)》精彩测评

四、剧本杀《好莱坞案件(Assassination in Hollywood)》复盘领取



→②、回复“好莱坞案件(Assassination in Hollywood)”即可获取


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剧本杀好莱坞案件(Assassination in Hollywood)剧透

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