主讲人:杨军, Yang Jun

北京交通发展研究院 规划二所所长

Director of the Transport Planning Department II,Beijing Transport Institue



杨军,男,1980年8月生,北京大学环境科学与工程学院博士,现任北京交通发展研究院规划二所所长。杨军长期从事智能交通与交通规划方面的工作,带领团队承担了交通运输部等国家部委及北京市层面数十项重大课题,在政府决策支持、重大科技攻关和大型场景应用示范等方面取得了优秀成果。参与项目包括北京市交通节能减排白皮书(2012-2020)及关键难点研究、北京市交通运输环境监测网络建设试点工程项目、北京市交通领域节能减排统计与监测平台建设、北京市“十三五”时期绿色交通发展规划、北京市交通领域节能减排“十三五”规划、呼和浩特市综合交通体系规划等。在MaaS领域,杨军主持参与 “MaaS出行 绿动全城”碳普惠激励行动和北京MaaS平台社会绩效评价工作。共发表SCI及SSCI检索论文十余篇。

Yang Jun, School of Environmental Science and Engineering, Peking University, PhD, Senior Engineer

Yang Jun, male, born in August 1980, graduated with a Ph.D. from the School of Environmental Science and Engineering, Peking University. He is currently the Director of the Transport Planning Department II,Beijing Transport Institute. Yang Jun has been engaged in intelligent transportation and transportation planning for a long time. He has led team undertaken responsibility for the Ministry of Transport and other national ministries and commissions as well as Beijing. Dozens of major topics have achieved excellent results in government decision support, major scientific and technological research, and large-scale application demonstrations. His participating projects include the Beijing Transport Energy Conservation and Emission Reduction White Paper (2012-2020) and key difficulties research, the Beijing Transport Environmental Monitoring Network Construction Pilot Project, the Beijing Transport Energy Conservation and Emission Reduction Statistics and Monitoring Platform Construction, Beijing’s "Thirteenth The Green Transportation Development Plan. The 13th Five-Year Plan for Energy Conservation and Emission Reduction in Beijing Transport, and the Comprehensive Transportation System Planning of Hohhot. In the MaaS field, Yang Jun has presided over the "MaaS Travel Green Life" carbon inclusive incentive action and the social performance evaluation of the Beijing MaaS platforms. Published more than

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