




金腾川 特任研究员,博导,2015年加入免疫所。2003年毕业于中国科学技术大学,获生物学理学学士和工商管理学士学位;2008年于美国伊利诺伊理工大学获分子生物化学和生物物理学博士学位;2008至2014年先后在美国国立卫生研究院,国立过敏及传染病研究所任Postdoc Fellow和Research Fellow;在Immunity、J Exp Med、Nucleic Acids Res、J Biol Chem、J Agric Food Chem等发表论文60余篇。



1.Samad A, Li Y, Zhang C, Chen F, Zeng W, Fan X, Jin T* (2019). X-ray crystal structure of putative transcription regulator lmo2088 from Listeria monocytogenes. BiochemBiophys Res Communpii: S0006-291X(19)31922-9.

2.Zahid A, Li B, Kombe AJK, Jin T*, Tao J* (2019). Pharmacological Inhibitors of the NLRP3 Inflammasome. Front Immunol. 10:2538

3.Zeng W, Ma H, Fan W, Yang Y, Zhang C, Arnaud KombeKombe J, Fan X, Zhang Y, Dong Z, Shen Z, Zhou Y, Yang M*, Jin T*(2019). Structure determination of CAMP factor of Mobiluncus curtisii and insights into structural dynamics. Int J BiolMacromol. pii: S0141-8130

4.Chen F, Ma H, Li Y, Wang H, Samad A, Zhou J, Zhu L, Zhang Y, He J, Fan X*, Jin T* (2019). Screening of Nanobody Specific for Peanut Major Allergen Ara h 3 by Phage Display. J Agric Food Chem67(40):11219-11229.

5.Li W, Ji Q, Wei Z, Chen YL, Zhang Z, Yin X, Aghmiuni SK, Liu M, Chen W, Shi L, Chen Q, Du X, Yu L, Cao MJ, Wang Z, Huang S, Jin T*, Wang Q*(2019). Biochemical characterization of G64W mutant of acidic beta-crystallin 4. Exp Eye Res 186:107712.

6.Li Y, Zeng W, Li Y, Fan W, Ma H, Fan X, Jiang J, Brefo-Mensah E, Zhang Y, Yang M, Dong Z, Palmer M, Jin T*(2019). Structure determination of the CAMP factor of Streptococcus agalactiae with the aid of an MBP tag and insights into membrane-surface attachment. ActaCryst D 75(Pt 8):772-781.

7.Yin X, Li W, Ma H, Zeng W, Li Y, Liu M, Chen Q, Zhou R, Jin T* (2019). Crystal structure and activation mechanism of DR3 death domain. FEBS J286(13):2593-2610.

8.Jin T*,#, Brefo. E#, Fan W, Zeng W, Li Y, Zhang YZ, Palmer M (2018). Crystal structure of the Streptococcus agalactiae CAMP factor provi

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