




曾筑天 特任研究员,博导,2019年加入免疫所。2008和2014毕业于中国科学技术大学,分别获得理学学士和博士学位;2014至2019年于加拿大卡尔加里大学从事博士后研究,期间获得博士生国家奖学金、AIHS博士后奖学金等资助。主要研究成果发表于Nat Immunol、Cell Host & Microbe、J Exp Med和J Immunol等期刊。



1.Zeng Z, Surwarrd BG,Wong CH, Guettler C, Petri B, Burkhard R, Wyss M, Moual HL, Devinney R, Thompson GC, Blackwood J, Joffe AR, McCoy KD, Jenne CN, Kubes P. Sex-hormone-driven innate antibodies protect females and infants against EPEC infection. Nature Immunology. 2018; 19: 1100-1111.

2.Zeng Z, Surwarrd BG,Wong CH, Geoghegan AJ, Jenne CN, Kubes P. CRIg Functions as a Macrophage Pattern Recognition Receptor to Directly Bind and Capture Blood-Borne Gram-Positive Bacteria. Cell Host&Microbe. 2016; 20 (1):99-106.

3.Zeng Z, Li L, Chen Y, Wei H, Sun R, Tian Z. Interferon-gamma facilitates hepatic antiviral T cell retention for the maintenance of liver-induced systemic tolerance. J Exp Med. 2016; 213(6):1079-93.

4.Zeng Z, Kong X, Li F, Wei H, Sun R, Tian Z. IL-12-based vaccination therapy reverses liver-induced systemic tolerance in a mouse model of hepatitis B virus carrier. Journal of immunology 2013, 191(8): 4184-4193.

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