6 .李伟伟,高宝玉,邱继彩等,化学混凝对两级曝气生物滤池出水的除磷效果研究,中国给水排水,2007(5):54-57.

7. 邱继彩,环境化学本科阶段教学方法探讨 科技资讯 2006/33.

8. 邱继彩,高宝玉,许春华,城市污水深度处理技术试验研究,临沂师范学院学报,2006/06 .76-79.

9. Jicai Qiu, Liying Ren, The Study of Chemically Treatment of the Wastewater Received from the Beng River,RSETE,2012/06(EI收录).

10. Liying Ren,Jicai Qiu, Influence of boron-containing oxides on rhizosphere soil properties,RSETE,2012/06(EI收录).

11. Jicai Qiu, Earthworm processing of livestock manure and accumulation of heavy metals ,Environment Science and Materials Engineering,2012/08(EI收录).

12. Jicai Qiu,The Contamination Status of Heavy Metal in The Sediment of Beng River and the Protection for The Ecological Safety Engineering,2013/03(EI收录).

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