
10、FALL ANNA NDIAYE(2022届),来自国家:塞内加尔,毕业去向:Whale Cloud Technology CO., Ltd (A Global Data Intelligence Technology Company)



Technical University of Denmark,2017.12-2018.12,客座研究员



(1) 专著

[1] Zhong S., Sun J. Logic-Driven Traffic Big Data Analytics: Methodology and Applications for Planning, Springer, 2022. (交通大数据分析英文专著)

[2] 钟绍鹏, 隽海民. 城市土地利用与交通整合理论、方法和实践. 科学出版社, 2018.

[3] 钟绍鹏, 赵胜川. 交通信息化环境下随机道路网络拥挤收费理论与方法. 科学出版社, 2017.

[4] Zhong S. (June 12th 2020). Reliability-Based Marginal Cost Pricing Problem, Linear and Non-Linear Financial Econometrics -Theory and Practice, Mehmet Kenan Terzioğlu and Gordana Djurovic, IntechOpen, DOI: 10.5772/intechopen.92844. Available from: https://www.intechopen.com/books/linear-and-non-linear-financial-econometrics-theory-and-practice/reliability-based-marginal-cost-pricing-problem.(英文著作章节)

(2) 英文期刊论文

[1] Zhong S., Jiang Y.*, Nielsen, O.A. Lexicographic multi-objective road pricing optimization considering land use and transportation effects. European Journal of Operational Research, 2022, 298(2), 496-509. (SCI, ABS 4) (大工认定TOP 10)

[2] Zhong S., Gong Y., Zhou Z., Cheng R., Xiao F.*. Active learning for multi-objective optimal road congestion pricing considering negative land use effect. Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies, 2021, 125, 103002. (SCI/EI) (JCR Q1) (大工认定TOP 2)

[3] Liu J., Zhong S.*, Huang Y., Wang Z.*. How does the preference heterogeneity affect the elderly's evaluation of bus accessibility? Evidence from Guangzhou, China. Journal of Transport & Health, 2021, 22, 101094. (SSCI)

[4] Zhang D., Xiao F.*, Shen M., Zhong S. DNEAT: A novel dynamic node-edge attention network for origin-destination demand prediction. Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies, 2021, 122, 102851. (SCI/EI) (JCR Q1) (大工认定TOP 2)

[5] Zhong S.*, Wang Z., Wang Q., Liu A., Cui J. Exploring the spatially het

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