托尼·贾皮(Tony Jappy)


托尼·贾皮(Tony Jappy),现为法国佩皮尼昂大学语言学与符号学荣休教授;曾任佩皮尼昂大学英国与美国文化研究系系主任,第四届世界符号学大会总召集人,佩皮尼昂大学符号学、传播学与教育学研究所(IRSCE)所长。贾皮教授于1965年和1967年分别在英国牛津大学和法国里昂大学获得现代语言学与英语学士学位,于1976年在法国蒙彼利埃大学获得英语语言学博士学位。贾皮教授是符号学重要奠基人C.S.皮尔斯研究的国际权威,特别对皮尔斯符号学思想中的图像问题、修辞问题与视觉符号学等研究方面具有极高的造诣。


Semiosis, communication and the ecology of signs

Peirce uses the concept of ‘communication’ in at least three different ways: First, in the academic sense of the public presentation of, say, research findings; second, as a synonym for the public process of exchanging information between speakers in a speech act; finally, as a theoretical construct in the process of semiosis or sign-action. It is this last aspect of communication that the paper seeks to explore, using it as an explanation of an ecology of signs and showing how the sign itself functions as the medium of that communication.

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