61.刘思东,杨洪明,童小娇,电力期货市场的价格发现功能, 电力自动化设备,Vol.28, No.7 (2008), 57-61. (EI收录)

62.童小娇,王洁,杨洪明,计及输电网约束的电力市场动态集团投标分析,长沙理工大学学报(自然科学版),Vol.5, No.1(2008), 57-63.

63.X.J. Tong, F.F. Wu and L. Qi, On the convergence of decoupled optimal power flow method, Numerical Functional Analysis and Optimization, 28(3-4) (2007):1-19. (SCI)

64.X.J. Tong, F.F. Wu, Y. Zhang, Z. Yan and Y. Ni, A semismooth Newton method for solving optimal power flow, Journal of Industrial and Management Optimization, Vol.3, No. 3(2007), 553-567. (SCI)

65.X.J. Tong, L. Qi and Y.F. Yang, The Lagrangian global method for nonsmooth constrained equations, Computational Optimization and Applications, Vol. 33, 2006, 89-109. (SCI)

66.X.J. Tong, S. Xiao, A feasible method for solving the KKT system of variational inequalities, Hokkaido Mathematical Journal, Vol. 35, 2006, 87-105.

67.童小娇,何炳生, 一类音调变分不等式的非精确交替方向法, 数学物理学报, 26A(2), 2006, 273-282.

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71.X.J. Tong, S. Zhou, A smoothing projected Newton-type method for semismooth equations with bound constraints, Journal of Industrial Management Optimization, Vol.1, 2005, 235-250. (SCI)

72.童小娇,肖世校,邴萍萍,带半无限约束的非线性方程系统的牛顿型方法,《高等学校计算数学学报》,Vol.27, 2005, 252-258.

73.X.J. Tong, L. Qi, On the convergence of a trust-region method for solving constrained nonlinear equations with degenerate solutions, Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications, Vol. 123(2004), No.1. 187-211.(SCI)

74.L. Qi, X.J. Tong, D.H. Li, An active-set projected trust region algorithm for box constrained nonsmooth equations, Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications, Vol.120(2004),601-625. (SCI)

75.X.J. Tong, D.H. Li, A trust region algorithm with null space technique for equality constrained optimization, Journal of Systems Science and Complexity, Vol.17(2004).54-63。

76.X.J. Tong, S. Zhou, A trust-region a

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