王鹏飞, 2001a. 开创中国气象史研究的新局面[M] . 王鹏飞, 王鹏飞气象史文选. 北京: 气象出版社. Wang P F, 2001a. Staring anew situation in the study of Chinese Meteorological History[M] . Wang P F, Selected Works of Wang Pengfei's Meteorological History. Beijing: China Meteorological Press. (in Chinese) .

王鹏飞, 2001b. 中国和朝鲜测雨器的考据[M] . 王鹏飞, 王鹏飞气象史文选. 北京: 气象出版社. Wang P F, 2001b. Textual research on rain gauges in China and North Korea[M] . Wang P F, Selected Works of Wang Pengfei's Meteorological History. Beijing: China Meteorological Press. (in Chinese) .

王鹏飞, 2001c. 史料抽样与边界层气候变迁理论[M] . 王鹏飞, 王鹏飞气象史文选. 北京: 气象出版社. Wang P F, 2001c. Historical data sampling and boundary layer climate change theory[M]. Wang P F, Selected Works of Wang Pengfei's Meteorological History. Beijing: China Meteorological Press. (in Chinese) .

王鹏飞, 2001d. 在中国气象史研究中怎样继承竺可桢的开拓性精神[M] . 王鹏飞, 王鹏飞气象史文选. 北京: 气象出版社. Wang P F, 2001d. How to inherit Zhu Kezhen's pioneering spirit in the study of Chinese Meteorological History[M] . Wang P F, Selected Works of Wang Pengfei's Meteorological History. Beijing: China Meteorological Press. (in Chinese).

王鹏飞, 2001e. 中国气象史志研究会15年来的成就[M] . 王鹏飞, 王鹏飞气象史文选. 北京: 气象出版社. Wang P F, 2001e. Achievements of the Chinese Research Association of Meteorological History and Meteorological affair recording in the past 15 years[M] . Wang P F, Selected Works of Wang Pengfei's Meteorological History. Beijing: China Meteorological Press. (in Chinese).

王鹏飞, 2010a. 《中华大典·地学典·气象分典》 编纂建言[M] . 王鹏飞, 王鹏飞气象文选(II) . 北京: 气象出版社. Wang P F, 2010a. Suggestions on the compilation of 'Chinese Canon· Geoscience code· Meteorological classification code' [M] . Wang P F, Selected Meteorological Works of Wang Pengfei (II) . Beijing: China Meteorological Press. (in Chinese) .

王鹏飞, 2010b. 我国气象史研究的持续发展问题[M] . 王鹏飞, 王鹏飞气象文选(II) . 北京: 气象出版社. Wang P F, 2010b. Sustainable development of Chinese Meteorological History research[M] . Wang P F, Selected Meteorological Works of Wang Pengfei(II) . Beijing: China Meteorological Press. (in Chinese).

王鹏飞, 2010c.

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