



Zhou, Jing *& Latorre, María C. How FDI influences the triangular trade pattern among China, East Asia and the U.S.? A CGE analysis of the sector of Electronics in China[J], Economic Modelling , 2014(44), S77-S88.

Zhou, Jing* & Latorre, María C. The impact of FDI on the production networks between China and East Asia and the role of the U.S. and ROW as final markets [J]. Global Economic Review: Perspectives on East Asian Economies and Industries.2014, 3(43):285-314.

Latorre, Maria C.*, Yonezawa, Hidemichi & Zhou,Jing. A general equilibrium analysis of FDI growth in Chinese services' sectors, China Economic Review[J], 2018, vol. 47, issue C, 172-188

Zhou, Jing* & Latorre, María C. A multilevel analysis of FDI impacts: The role of big world players (China, East Asia, EU28, Japan, U.S.) in production networks and final markets [J], 2021, Journal of Policy Modeling, 2021, 43(6), 1225-1240.


Latorre, Maria C.*, Yonezawa, Hidemichi & Zhou,Jing. El impacto de la firma del Tratado Transatlántico de Comercio e Inversión (TTIP) en la economía española[M], 2015, Instituto de Estudios Económicos. ISBN: 978-84-92737-26-0

周静 著.《全球生产网络下的跨国公司进入、抽资转向对我国经济的损益评估》[M] -- 徐州 : 中国矿业大学出版社, 2019.12. ISBN 978-7-5646-4579-3

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