出  处:《沈阳教育学院学报》2003年第4期119-120,共2页Journal of Shenyang College of Education

摘  要:实验技术队伍建设是实验室诸项建设中最关键的问题。本文分析了实验队伍建设中存在的问题,并在此基础上,从体制改革、制度建设、政策制订、人员培训等方面提出了实验队伍建设的有力措施。Construction of laboratory technological group is most crucial to construction of a laboratory.This paper analyzes probems existing in construction of laboratory technological group,based on which effective measures are proposed to train laboratory personnel from the points of systemation,regulation construction and policy making.

关 键 词:高校 实验室建设 实验教学 人才队伍建设 管理体制

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