格热高什·迪米克(Grzegorz Dymek)

Anshar Studios游戏工作室



Grzegorz Dymek -投资者和企业家。毕业于西里西亚理工大学编程专业并取得了计算机科学硕士学位;分别获得了波兰克拉科夫经济学院和瑞典斯德哥尔摩大学的工商管理硕士学位;取得了罗兹电影学院影视制作专业的学士学位。他同时也一直有涉及IT产业,曾任西里西亚理工大学计算机中心总经理,2Si董事会成员,2Si软件与服务总裁。后来,他陆续担任Exorigo公司总经理、TELE24董事会成员和波兰Euromedic总裁。现在他是Anshar Studios——一家来自波兰的视频游戏开发工作室——的共同所有者和董事会成员。

Grzegorz Dymek – investor and entrepreneur. He graduated from the Faculty of Automatic Control, Electronics and Computer Science at the Silesian University of Technology in Gliwice. He obtained an MBA from the Cracow School of Business at the Cracow University of Economics and Stockholm University School of Business. He also finished Film and Television Production Organization at the National Film School in Łódź. He has always been involved in IT branches, he was a GM of Computer Centre of the Silesian University of Technology, member of the board of 2Si and the president of 2Si Software and Services. Then he gained experience as a managing director of Exorigo, member of the board of TELE24 and the president of Euromedic Poland. Now he is the co-owner and member of the board of Anshar Studios - video games development studio from Poland.

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