马忠彧,男,副教授,硕士研究生导师。2020年毕业于西北工业大学,获工学博士学位,同年于西北师范大学任教。主持、参与完成包各级各类项目多项,以第一作者身份在包括《Journal of Network and Computer Applications》、《Computer Networks》、《Ad Hoc Networks》等在内的信息与通信领域国际知名期刊上发表高水平论文多篇,申请并授权国家发明专利2项。荣获第八届中国电子学会优秀科技工作者(2020)、第二十七届甘肃省高校青年教师成才奖获得者(2020)等荣誉称号。担任中国电子学会物联网青年专技组委员、中国计算机学会物联网专委会执行委员,《IEEE Internet of Things Journal》、《Adhoc Networks》及《IEEE Transactions on Network Science and Engineering》等期刊审稿人;担任IEEE EDGE 2020、IEEE CLOUD 2021、IEEE CLOUD 2022等国际学术会议PC Member。





[1]Zhongyu Ma,Jie Cao and Qun Guo et al.,QoS-oriented Joint Optimization of Concurrent Scheduling and Power Control in Millimeter wave Mesh Backhaul Network[J]. Journal of Network and Computer Applications,2021, 174(9):102891. (SCI收录, 中科院2区Top期刊,IF:6.28,)

[2]Zhognyu Ma,Bo Li and Zhongjiang Yan et al., QoS-oriented Joint Optimization of Resource Allocation and Concurrent Scheduling in Millimeter-wave Integrated Backhaul and Access Network[J]. Computer Networks,2020, (169):106979. (SCI收录,中科院3区期刊,IF:4.47).

[3]Zhongyu Ma,Bo Li and Zhongjiang Yan et al., Remaining bandwidth based multipath routing in 5G millimeter wave self-backhauling network[J]. Wireless Networks, 2019, 25(7):3839-3855 (SCI收录,中科院3区期刊,IF:2.60)

[4]Zhongyu Ma, Yanxing Liu and Qun Guo et al., QoTa-MPR: QoS-oriented and traffic-aware multi-path routing protocol for internet of remote things[J]. Telecommunication Systems, 2021, 78(2): 1-16. (SCI收录,中科院4区期刊,影响因子:2.31)

[5]Zhongyu Ma,Qun Guo and Ji Ma et al., VaSe-MRP:Velocity-aware and Stability-estimation Based Multi-path Routing Protocol in FANET[J]. International Journal of Distributed Sensor Networks,2019,15(11):1-17 (SCI收录,中科院4区期刊,影响因子:1.64).

[6]Zhongyu Ma, Bo Li and Zhongjiang Yan et al., Robustness-supported user association and small cell switching ON/OFF strategies in 5G mm-wave networks[J]. High Technology Letters, 2020, 26(1):8-16.(高技术通讯英文版,EI中

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