来自台湾台北。六岁开始学琴,自幼于多次钢琴比赛中获得奖项,均有优异的成绩。小学由李娓娓老师启蒙,进入师大附中音乐班(台湾音乐学校第一志愿),经过陈蓉慧老师亲导,以优异的成绩进入维也纳第一学府——国立维也纳音乐与艺术大学,钢琴演奏系(硕士学程),深获Prof. Martin Hughes(现任系主任,前柏林艺术大学钢琴系主任)的肯定,并给予最高评价:“严幸婕是一个极有天分的音乐家,在舞台上展露他独特的表达及个性,技巧上的可能性让他在音乐的诠释上富有多彩的音色,感觉及细腻的刻画”。近年来,严幸婕得到学校及台湾教育部肯定并荣获奖学金。
随着艺术内涵的提升及多年欧洲音乐教育的洗礼,严幸婕经由教授推荐,曾多次与知名乐团合作,崭露头角:2008年三月在柏林爱乐厅(Berliner Phiharmonie)与柏林交响乐团(Die Sinfonie Orchester Berlin)及指挥家Kazuo Kanemaki合作演出《莫扎特协奏曲 KV.482》,因深受好评,2009年再度受邀在柏林爱乐厅与指挥 Karl-Heinz Bloemeke 演出《萧邦第二号协奏曲》;2007年与维也纳音乐大学管弦乐团合作萧邦 第二号钢琴协奏曲;2005年受到维也纳Margareten音乐学校(Konzertsaal der Musikschule Margareten)的邀请,在联合音乐会当中演奏《拉赫曼尼诺夫第三号协奏曲》。
此外,严幸婕也有丰富的独奏经验,并曾于台湾、中国大陆、奥地利、法国、德国等地表演,累积相当的舞台经历,包含萨尔兹堡(Salzburg)国际音乐营,Weimar国际大师班及法国尼斯音乐营并被推荐演出成果音乐会;2006年曾参加上海音乐营,受上海音乐学院钢琴系副系主任杨韵琳指导并接受凤凰卫视中文台专访;2008年,接受台北之音广播电台音乐节目的专访及钢琴独奏播出。在艺术造诣的追求上,严幸婕曾受多位钢琴家的指点与影响,如M. Beroff,Markus Becker,N. Flores, A. Delle-Vigne, H. Francesch,Ralf Heiber, M. Fernandes, R. Prinz, G. Murray,Hui-Ying Tawaststjerna,陈毓襄、陈必先、陈宏宽等老师。
Hsin-Chieh Yen, a 23 years old pianist born in Taipei Taiwan, started playing piano when she was 6. Many prizes has been won during her competitions in the childhood. After the years with her first teacher Wei-Wei Lee, she successfully applied for the music-class of HSNU (High School of National Taiwan Normal University). Now she's studying master studies in Vienna University for Art and Music with Prof. Martin Hughes (Director of the Department for Piano in the University of Music and Performing Arts Vienna and former director for Department of Piano in Berlin). His comment for her as followed: She is a gifted musician, who brings a very individual expression and character on to the stage. Her technique is mature and fully developed, which allows her a broad variety of color, figure, emotion and virtuosity in her performances.
Because of the recommendations from her professor, Hsin-Chieh had many opportunities w