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张黎、范亭亭、王文博. (2006). 降价表述方式对消费者感知降价幅度的影响. 在中国营销科学学会2006年年会上宣读,全文被收入2006年JMS中国营销科学学术年会论文专集[C](光盘A-第六组). 武汉大学经济与管理学院, 中国, 武汉.

马京晶、张黎、马欣昕. (2006). 情感主导的品牌购买意愿。在中国营销科学学会2006年年会上宣读并被列入候选优秀论文,全文被收入2006年JMS中国营销科学学术年会论文专集[C](光盘A-第四组). 武汉大学经济与管理学院, 中国, 武汉.

张黎、马京晶 (2005). 消费者对产品的消费经验、产品的文化意含与Fishbein模型。在中国营销科学学会2005年年会上宣读,全文被收入2005年JMS中国营销科学学术年会论文专集[C](p.188-201). 北京大学光华管理学院, 中国, 北京.


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Zhang, L. (2000). E-commerce – its future and problems, and market research. Paper presented at the conference: "Global Information Wars: Technology Conflicts among Journalists, Lawyers and Entrepreneurs". The conference was organized by European Union and the University of Missouri in February 2000. This interdisciplinary conference involved open discussion and debate among experts from the United States, Europe and elsewhere in the world.

Zhang, L., & Dickson, M. (1999). The distribution channel for imported apparel in the Chinese market. Paper presented at the 1999 International Research Conference: Creating Value through Supply Chain Management. November, Atlanta, Georgia.

Zhang, L., & Dickson, M. (1999). Changes in China’s tariff policy: Opportunity for U.S. exports? Paper presented at annual conference of the International Textile and Apparel Association. November, Santa Fe, New Mexico.

Zhang, L., & Dickson, M. A. Consumer stock-out behaviors. Paper presented at the annual conference of ITAA, Dallas, TX, Nove

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