发表学术论文30余篇,其中国际SCI检索刊物论文3篇,出版专著1部,其中代表性的有:王玉宽著《长江上游生态屏障建设的理论与技术研究》四川出版集团•四川科技出版社。2005年9月1. Wang Yu-kuan, Fu bin, Xu Pei, Validation of three infiltration models on purple soil under simulated rainfall, Progress in Natural Science, 2007, Vol. 17, No.10, 69-75;

2. Deng Yulin, Wang Ykuan, Species diversity ant its effect on soil properties of Kobresia communities in plateau area of western Sichuan, Grassland Agriculture: Balanceing Production and Environmental Protection, Proceedings of the 2nd China-Japan-Korea Grassland Conference. ISTP ;

3. 王玉宽,王勇强等,紫色土坡面降雨侵蚀试验研究,《山地学报》,2006年24卷5期,597-600;

4. 傅斌,王玉宽,中耕对紫色土坡耕地产流产沙的影响,《山地学报》,2006年第24卷增刊,77-81;

5. 王玉宽,孙雪峰,邓玉林等,对生态屏障概念内涵与价值的认识,《山地学报》,2005年23卷4期,431-436;

6. 王玉宽、邓玉林等,关于生态屏障功能与特点的探讨,《水土保持通报》2005年25卷4期,103-105;

7. 王玉宽,朱波,高美容,小流域土壤水分空间分异特征及时稳性分析,《山地学报》2004年01期,116-120;

8. 王玉宽,周佩华等“单次暴雨小流域产流产沙分布的定量研究”《水土保持学报》1993年第三期 P36-41;

Wang Yu-kuan, Fu bin, Xu Pei, Validation of three infiltration models on purple soil under simulated rainfall, Progress in Natural Science, 2007, Vol. 17, No.10.

Fu bin, Wang yukuan, et al. Changes of overland flow and sediment during simulated rainfall on cropland in the Hilly areas of Sichuan basin, China.[J] Nature progress, 19(8)http://jz.faisco.com/reg.html

Xu Pei, Wang yukuan, Fu bin. Experimental research on the influence of two cultivation practices on rainfall runoff-and (sandy and muddy) sediment-generating processes in purple soil environment [J]. Chin.J.Geochem,2008,27(4).

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