
UBC数学与应用数学硕士毕业,近20年的国际数学教学经验,对于A Level数学教学有着自己独特的见解和教育方式,高中时在加拿大就读IB,曾担任过加拿大英属哥伦比亚大学数学系特聘讲师以及领科教育A Level高数教师,教过IB、A Level、AP,非常了解这三类课程的设置。

Graduated from the University of British Columbia with a master degree in Mathematics and Applied Mathematics. With nearly 20 years of math teaching experience in international programs, developed a unique insight into math teaching and formed his own teaching methods for math. Studied the IB program at a high school in Canada, worked as a special lecturer in the Department of Mathematics at University of British Columbia, and taught A-level further math in U-link Education Company, with plentiful experience in IB, A-level and AP programs.

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