
英国东安格利亚大学管理学专业硕士毕业,三年剑桥IGCSE & A-level经济学教学经验,指导学生获得英国G5学校录取。曾带队指导并参加中国青年商业挑战赛(CYBL),包括案例分析和财务模拟运营模块,获得非常好的成绩。

Angela graduated from University of East Anglia and got master degree in Management. She has been teaching IGCSE and A-level CAIE economics for three years and some of her students were admitted to G5 University in UK. She took students to participate in China Youth Business League (CYBL) and got good results, including case study and finance simulation module.



英国东安格利亚大学管理学专业硕士毕业,三年剑桥IGCSE & A-level经济学教学经验,指导学生获得英国G5学校录取。曾带队指导并参加中国青年商业挑战赛(CYBL),包括案例分析和财务模拟运营模块,获得非常好的成绩。

Angela graduated from University of East Anglia and got master degree in Management. She has been teaching IGCSE and A-level CAIE economics for three years and some of her students were admitted to G5 University in UK. She took students to participate in China Youth Business League (CYBL) and got good results, including case study and finance simulation module.

Sarah Lisowski



Sarah is from Milwaukee, USA, where she received her degree in Education with a focus on History and Social Studies. She joined us from an international school in the Czech Republic, where she taught for four years and implemented a Global Perspectives course.She also guided students to participate in the Duke of Edinburgh Award, debate club and achieved good results.

Harpal Kaur



Harpal graduated from University of St.Mark & St.John in Plymouth, England, majoring in sport and information technology. She worked as a PE teacher and English teacher in Adcote School for Girls. She has got national three-level personal trainer certificate and national secondary gym coach qualification certificate. Also she is a trainer of many sports such as boxing.

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