博士:王文俊(研究生十佳学术之星,获中信—CBMM吴宝榕铌钢奖学金),张 勇 (副导师),金吉男(副导师)(朝鲜留学生,优秀博士生),刘自成(副导师)(优秀博士生),李书江(副导师),许静文(副导师),徐向俊(副导师)(优秀博士生,获中信—CBMM吴宝榕铌钢奖学金)


1 Y.H. Wang, J.P. Lin, Y.H. He, Y.L. Wang and G.L. Chen, Materials Science and Engineering: A, 471 (2007) 82–87 Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of As-cast Ti-45Al-8.5Nb-(W,B,Y) Alloy with Industrial Scale

2 C.L. Chen, W. Lu, J.P. Lin, L.L. He, G.L. Chen and H.Q. Ye Scripta Materialia 56(2007)441–444 Orientation relationship between TiB precipitate and g-TiAl phase

3 W. Lu, C.L. Chen, F.H. Wang, J.P. Lin, G.L. Chen and L.L. He, Scripta Materialia 56(2007)773–776 Phase transformation in the nitride layer during the oxidation of TiAl-based alloys

4 W.J. Wang, J.P. Lin, Y.L. Wang, Y. Zhang and G.L. Chen, Materials Science and Engineering: A452-453( 2007)194-201 Isothermal corrosion TiAl–Nb alloy in liquid zinc

5 W.J. Wang, J.P. Lin, Y.L. Wang and G.L. Chen, Corrosion Science, 49(2007)1340-1349 The corrosion of Fe3Al alloy in liquid zinc

6 X.J. Xu, J.P. Lin, Y.L. Wang, Z. Lin, G.L. Chen,Materials Letters, 61(2007)369-373 On the microsegregation of Ti-45Al-(8-9)Nb-(W, B, Y) alloy

7 W.J.Wang, J.P.Lin, Y.L.Wang, G.L.Chen,Journal of alloys and compounds, 428(2007)237-243 The corrosion of intermetallic alloys in liquid zinc

8 J.P. Lin, X.J. Xu, Y.L. Wang , J.F. Gao , G.L. Chen, Intermetallics, 15(2007)668-674 High temperature deformation behavior of a high Nb containing TiAl alloy

9 G.L. Chen , X.J. Xu,, J.P. Lin, Y.L. Wang, Intermetallics,15(2007)625-631 Challenge to sound defect-free wrought materials of high Nb containing TiAl alloy beyond the laboratory scale

10 G.J. Hao, Y. Zhang, J.P. Lin, Y.L. Wang, Z. Lin, G. L. Chen. Material Letter, 60(2006)1256-1260 Bulk Metallic Glass Formation of Ti-based Alloys from Low Purity Elements

11 X.J. Xu, J.P. Lin, Y.L. Wang, J.F. Gao, Z. Lin, G.L. Chen, , Journal of alloys and compounds , 414(2006)175 -180 Effect of forging on microstructure and tensile properties of Ti-45Al- (8-9)Nb-(W

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