韩兴国、伍业钢、古滨河、孙阁、刘哲、刘秦勤、李百炼、邬建国、陈吉泉、林光辉、武昕原、袁志文、唐剑武、黄长志、彭长辉、程维信、缪世利、潘绪斌. 《生态学未来之展望—挑战、对策与战略》


Nature Sustainability; Environmental Science & Technology; Environmental Science & Technology Letters; Renewable & Sustainable Energy Reviews; Global Environmental Change- Human and Policy Dimensions,; Environmental International; Applied Energy; Journal of Cleaner Production; Journal of Industrial Ecology; Resources, Conservation & Recycling; Journal of Renewable and Sustainable Energy; Chemosphere; Energy; Chinese Journal of Population, Resources and Environment; Sustainability; Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment; Frontier in Energy; Sustainable Production and Consumption; International Journal of Urban Sciences; Heliyon; Environmental Science and Pollution Research; Land Use Policy; Science of the Total Environment; Waste Management; International Journal of Sustainable Transportation; Water, Air, & Soil Pollution; SAGE Open; International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health; World Development; Journal of Building Engineering; Natural Resources Forum; Ecological Indicators; Environment, Development and Sustainability; Energy Reports; Environmental Research; Frontiers in Environmental Science; Acta Ecologica Sinica; Carbon Management; IScience; Buildings; Environmental Quality Management; Energies; Expert Systems With Applications; Habitat International; Circular Economy and Sustainability; Waste Disposal & Sustainable Energy; Rhizosphere; Climate Change Biology; Open Journal of Environmental Biology; Recycling; Regional Sustainability; Environmental Impact Assessment Review; Energy Strategy Reviews; Structural Change and Economic Dynamics; Cleaner Production Letters; Energy Sources, Part A: Recovery, Utilization, and Environmental Effects; Agronomy;MethodsX;上海交通大学学报等


联合国区域发展中心United Nations Centre for Regional Development (UNCRD) 2018年亚太地区3R发展报告审稿人“State of the 3Rs in Asia and the Pacific”

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