Debra Allanson女士是澳大利亚互动媒体产业协会维多利亚分会会长,并是澳大利亚维多利亚政府指导委员会成员,监管数字媒体范围的研究。 她也是维多利亚电影董事会成员和ISH 工作室执行制作人 。她作为屏幕产业主管和在政府及私营机构中担任首席运营官,已有20年经验。自2001年以来,她致力于屏幕数字媒体内容,关注屏幕行业市场的发展,包括MipTV和MIPCom等。

Ms. Debra Allanson is the President of AIMIA (Victoria), and sits on the Victorian Government steering committee overseeing a landmark Digital Media Scoping study. She is also a current member of the Film Victoria Board and the Executive Producer on transmedia projects being developed by Studio Ish. She has over 20 years experience as a screen industry executive and a Chief Executive Officer in the private and government sector, involved in content financing, production, distribution, and related business strategy. Since 2001, she has focused on aligning screen content business with opportunities in digital media. She was appointed to the board of a public company developing internet broadcasting technologies, was engaged to develop digital content distribution business strategies, and provided advice to a leading capital advisory firm in relation to establishing a private sector media rights fund. She is a regular participant in industry forums in Australia and overseas that address the intersection between screen content and digital media industry developments; and is a regular attendee at key screen industry markets, including MipTV and MIPCom.

古巴信息技术处理服务中心总经理 Beatriz Alonso Becerra(古巴)

Beatriz Alonso Becerra (Cuba), General Director, Information Technologies and Advanced Telematic Services Center (CITMATEL)

Beatriz Alonso Becerra女士1980年在古巴毕业于工业工程师专业,后就读信息技术自动化系统研究生专业,1997年获工商管理学硕士学位。她拥有信息与通讯技术领域的广泛的经验,1988年起担任自动设计系统中心主任,1999年以来担任信息技术处理服务中心(CITMATEL) 总经理。她兼任古巴商会信息技术处副主任,是WSA全国知名专家组织成员,发表过30多篇有关信息通讯技术的文章。她同时是“古巴科学网络发展项目”负责人,该项目属数码网络合作机构,推动发展科技创新内容、产品以及服务。

Mrs. Beatriz Alonso graduated as Industrial Engineer in Cuba in 1980 and had her postgraduate studies in Automated Systems of Direction and in Information Technologies. She became a Master in Business Administration in 1997. She h

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