崔美花 博士


邮件: cuimh@shanghaitech.edu.cn



2017.09 至今:上海科技大学免疫化学研究所,工程师


2013 – 2014:韩国高丽大学,博士后研究员


2005 - 2013: 韩国高丽大学,分子生物学,博士

2000 - 2004: 延边大学,生物工程学,学士


(*Corresponding author; # Contributed equally)

13. Sebastian Martewicz, Xi Zhu, Siqi Qu, Meihua Cui, Eleonora Grespan, Camilla Luni,Biao Jiang, Guang Yang and Nicola Elvassore* ‘Micropillar-based phenotypic screening platform uncovers involvement of HDAC2 in nuclear deformability’. Biomaterials. 2022. (In press)

12. Sebastian Martewicz, Camilla Luni, Xi Zhu, Meihua Cui, Manli Hu, Siqi Qu, Damiano Buratto, Guang Yang, Eleonora Grespan, Nicola Elvassore*. ‘Nuclear morphological remodeling in human granulocytes is linked to prenylation independently from cytoskeleton’. Cells. 2020,20;9(11):2509

11. Dong, Y.; Cui, M.; Qu, J.; Wang, X.; Kwon, S.H.; Barrera, J.; Elvassore, N.; Gurtner, C.G. ‘Conformable hyaluronic acid hydrogel delivers adipose-derived stem cells and promotes regeneration of burn injury’. Acta Biomaterialia, 2020,108:55-56.

10. Raffa P*, Scattolini V*, Gerli MFM, Perin S, Cui M, De Coppi P, Elvassore N, Caccin P, Luni C, Urciuolo A. Decellularized skeletal muscles display neurotrophic effects in three‐dimensional organotypic cultures. STEM CELLS Transl Med. 2020,10:1233-1243

9. Won Mi So; A K M Mahmudul Huque; Hyun-young Shin; Soo Youn Kim; Jin Seok Shin; Meihua Cui, Jeong Sheop Shin*. ‘AtMYB109 negatively regulates stomatal closure under osmotic stress and pollen tube growth in Arabidopsis thaliana.’ Journal of Plant Physiology 2020,255:153292

8. Sujin Hyoung, Sung Hyun Cho, Joo Hee Chung, Won Mi So, Mei Hua Cui, Jeong Sheop Shin*.‘Cytokinin oxidase PpCKX1 plays regulatory roles in development and enhances dehydration and salt tolerance in Physcomitrella patens.' Plant Cell Reports, 2020, 39:419–430

7. Yun Young Kim, Mei Hua Cui, Min Soo Noh , Kwang Wook Jung and Jeong Sheop Shin*.‘The FBA motif containing protein AFBA1 acts as a novel positive regulat

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