常自伟 博士


2016.11 - 至今 中国科学院武汉物理与数学研究所,助理研究员

2014.11 - 2016.11 中国科学院武汉物理与数学研究所,博士后

2008.09 - 2014.08 韩国釜山国立大学,化学,硕士及博士学位

2004.09 - 2008.06 烟台大学本科在读,学士学位




1. Z. Chang et al., Production of disulfide bond-rich peptides by fusion expression using small transmembrane proteins of Escherichia coli. Amino Acids, In Press, 2015

2. S.S. Kim#, Z. Chang#(共同第一作者), J.-S. Park. Identification, tissue distribution and characterization of two heat shock factors (HSFs) in goldfish (Carassius auratus). Fish and Shellfish Immuno, In Press, 2015

3. Z. Chang, M. Lu, K. Shon, J.-S. Park. Functional expression of Carassius auratus cytochrome P4501A in a novel Shewanella oneidensis expression system and application for the degradation of benzo[a]pyrene. J Biotech, 179: 1-7, 2014.

4. Z. Chang, M. Lu, S.S. Kim, J.-S. Park. Potential role of HSP90 in mediating the interactions between estrogen receptor (ER) and aryl hydrocarbon receptor (AhR) signaling pathways. Toxicol Lett, 226(1): 6-13, 2014

5. M. Lu#, Z. Chang#(共同第一作者), M.J. Bae, S.M. Oh, K.H. Chung, J.-S. Park. Molecular characterization of the aryl hydrocarbon receptor (AhR) pathway in goldfish (Carassius auratus) exposure to TCDD: The mRNA and protein levels. Fish Shellfish Immuno, 35: 469-479, 2013

6. Z. Chang, M. Lu, S.M. Park, H.K. Park, H.S. Kang,Y. Pak, J.-S. Park. Functional HSF1 requires aromatic-participant interactions in protecting mouse embryonic fibroblasts against apoptosis via G2 cell cycle arrest. Mol Cells, 33(5): 465-4703, 2012

7. Z. Chang, M. Lu, K.W. Lee, B.S. Oh, M.J. Bae, J.-S. Park. Influence of divalent metal ions on E2-induced ER pathway in goldfish (Carassius auratus) hepatocytes. Ecotox Environ Safe, 74(8): 2233–2239, 2011

E-mail: sangcol(at)hotmail.com


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