1. Han X, Suess E., Sahling, H., Wallmann, K. Fluid Venting History off Costa Rica Margin: New Results From Authigenic Carboantes, International Journal of Earth Sciences, 2004, 93, 596-611, 国际SCI期刊,影响因子 2.667。

2. Wang Y, *Han X, Petersen S, Jin X., Qiu Z., Zhu J. Mineralogy and Geochemistry of Hydrothermal Precipitates from Kairei Hydrothermal Field, Central Indian Ridge, Marine Geology. 2014 (354):69-80. 国际SCI期刊, 影响因子3.161.

3. Han XQ, Yang KH, Huang YY. Origin and nature of cold seep in northeastern Dongsha area, South China Sea: Evidence from chimney-like seep carbonates. 2013,Chinece Science Bulletin, 58 (30): 3689-3697. SCI期刊, 影响因子1.32

4. Wang Y., *Han X., Jin X., Qiu Z., Ma Z., Yang H. Hydrothermal activity events at Kairei Field, Central Indian Ridge 25°S. Resource Geology. 2012,62(2) 208-214. 国际SCI期刊

5. Han Xiqiu, Qiu Zhongyan, Ma Weilin, Qian Jiangchu. High resolution dating of Co-rich crusts:a comparative study using the methods of orbital pacing and 230Thex/232Th dating. Science in China (Series D). 2009,52(4),484 – 488. SCI收录

6. Han X., Suess E., Huang Y., Wu N., Bohrmann G., Su X., Eisenhauer A., Rehder G., Fang Y. Jiulong Methane Reef: Microbial mediation of seep-carbonates in the South China Sea, Marine Geology. 2008, 249: 243-256。国际SCI期刊, 影响因子3.161.

7. Han X., Suess E., Sahling, H., Wallmann, K., 2004, Fluid Venting History off Costa Rica Margin: New Results From Authigenic Carboantes, International Journal of Earth Sciences, 93, 596-611, 国际SCI期刊, 影响因子 2.667。

8. MacDonald I.R., Bohrmann G., Escobar E., Abegg F., Blanchon P., Blinova V., Brückmann W., Drews M., Eisenhauer A., Han X., Heeschen K., Meier F., Mortera C., Naehr T., Orcutt B., Bernard B., Brooks J., and de Faragó M., 2004, Asphalt volcanism and chemosynthetic life, Campeche Knolls, Gulf of Mexico, Science, 304, 999-1002. 国际SCI期刊, 影响因子 31.05。

9. Han X., Jin, X., Yang, S., Fiezke, J. Eisenhauer A., 2003. Rhythmic growth of Pacific ferromanganese nodules and their Milankovitch climatic origin

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