1) Chunyang Wang, Weiwei Ding, Wouter P. Schellart, Jiabiao Li, Chongzhi Dong, Yinxia Fang, Tianyao Hao, Zhengyi Tong., 2021. Effects of multi-seamount subduction on accretionary wedge deformation: Insights from analogue modelling. Journal of Geodynamics, doi: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jog.2021.101842.

2) Xiaodong Wei, Aiguo Ruan, Weiwei Ding, Zhaocai Wu, Chongzhi Dong, Yanghui Zhao, Xiongwei Niu, Jie Zhang, Chunyang Wang., 2020. Crustal structure and variation in the southwest continental margin of the South China Sea: Evidence from a wide-angle seismic profile. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, 203, 104557.

3) Jialing Zhang, Zhaocai Wu, Zhongyan Shen, Chongzhi Dong, Chunyang Wang, Yanghui Zhao., 2020. Seismic evidenece for the crustal deformation and kinematic evolution of the Nansha Block, South China Sea. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, 203, 104536.

4) Chunyang Wang, Weiwei Ding, Jiabiao Li, Chongzhi Dong, Yinxia Fang, Limei Tang, Letian Ma, Yanghui Zhao, Zihua Cheng., 2019. Effects of trench-perpendicular ridge subduction on accretionary wedge deformation: Clues from analogue modelling. Geological Journal, 54, 2665-2678, doi: 10.1002/gj.3317.

5) Yao Zhang, Shaomei Yang, Hanlin Chen, Xiaogan Cheng, Xiubin Lin, Chunyang Wang, Tianxing Zhu., 2019. The effect of overburden thickness on deformation mechanism in the Keping fold-thrust belt, southwestern Chinese Tian Shan: Insights from analogue modeling. Tectonophysics, 753, 79-92.

6) 王春阳,丁巍伟,董崇志,方银霞,赵阳慧,牛雄伟. 2019.东南极威尔克斯地-阿德利地大陆边缘构造及沉积特征. 极地研究, 31: 1-12.

7) Chunyang Wang, Xiaogan Cheng, Hanlin Chen, Weiwei Ding, Xiubin Lin, Lei Wu, Kang Li, Jun Shi, Yong Li., 2016. The effect of foreland palaeo-uplift on deformation mechanism in the Wupoer fold-and-thrust belt, NE Pamir: Constraints from analogue modelling. Journal of Geodynamics, 100: 115-129.

8) Cong Wang, Xiaogan Cheng, Hanlin Chen, Kang Li, Xiaogen Fan, Chunyang Wang., 2016. From folding to transpressional faulting: the Cenozoic Fusha structural belt in front of

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