主讲人:程涛 Tao Cheng
地理信息学教授 Professor of GeoInformatics 英国皇家地理学会资深会员/FRGS
程涛,理学博士,地理信息学教授,博士生导师,英国皇家地理学会资深会员,伦敦大学学院时空大数据实验室(SpaceTiemLab)创始人和主任。并兼任武汉大学,西南交通大学,南京师范大学客座教授,泰伯研究院顾问,曾担任法国斯特拉斯堡第一大学,日本立名馆大学访问教授。曾担任中国海外地理信息学者联谊会(CPGIS)董事会成员,国际摄影测量和遥感协会(ISPRS)地理计算与模拟工作组组长,并获得ISPRS主席提名奖和海拉尔最佳论文奖。她在时空大数据分析、复杂性网络、及地理和城市计算等方面均有很深的造诣,已发表了学术论文250余篇。她曾在荷兰,香港,中国,法国,英国任教和学习,多次承担欧盟、英国及中国的973和863项目。近十年来获取科研经费近两千万磅,与伦敦大都会警察局,伦敦交通管理,英国公众健康局, Arup和 Bosch等政府和企业界有深入的合作。她于2012年在UCL创建时空实验室, 开创了时空一体化分析的理念,将其实践于“时空大数据”的预测、模拟、分类、画像及可视化中,为政府和企事业提供洞察时空现象的理论基础和计算平台,目前已广泛服务于城市治安、交通出行、公共健康、零售商务及减灾防灾等智慧城市领域。她的智慧警务项目中的犯罪热点预测成果每天在伦敦大都会警察局运行,指导伦敦各区的警力规划,并获得英国工程合作创新提名奖。
Professor Tao Cheng, PhD, FRGS, is Professor of GeoInformatics, Founder and Director of SpaceTimeLab for Big Data Analytics, Department of Civil, Environmental and Geomatics Engineering, University College London. She is also a visiting Professor at Wuhan University, Southwest Jiao Tong University, NanJing Normal University. She has also been a visiting professor of University of Strasburg, and Ritsumeikan University. She was Board member of the Chinese Professional in Geographic Information Systems (CPGIS), an elected Chair of Working Group on GeoComputation and GeoSimulation of the Internal Society of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing (ISPRS) (2012-16). She received the President Citation Award (2012) and Helva Best Paper Award (2008) from the ISPRS.
Her research interests span network complexity, Geocomputation, spatio-temporal analytics with applications in transport, crime, health, business, social media, and natural hazards. She has studied and lectured in China, the Netherlands, Hong Kong, France and the UK, published over 250 publications and secured over £15M research grants. She has being working with many government and industrial partners in the UK including Transport for London (www.ucl.ac.uk/standard), the London Metropolitan Police Service (www.ucl.ac.uk/cpc/) and Public Health England (http://www.cdrc.ac.uk). She funde