王文军 副研究员












L. Dai, X. L. Chen, J. K. Jian, W. J. Wang, T. Zhou, and B. Q. Hu, Strong Blue Photoluminescence from Aligned Silica Nanofibers, Applied Physics A-Materials Science & Processing, 76 (2003), 625-27.

L. Dai, X. L. Chen, W. J. Wang, T. Zhou, and B. Q. Hu, Growth and Luminescence Characterization of Large-Scale Zinc Oxide Nanowires, Journal of Physics-Condensed Matter, 15 (2003), 2221-26.

J. K. Jian, X. L. Chen, M. He, W. J. Wang, X. N. Zhang, and F. Shen, Large-Scale GaN Nanobelts and Nanowires Grown from Milled Ga2O3 Powders, Chemical Physics Letters, 368 (2003), 416-20.

J. K. Jian, X. L. Chen, W. J. Wang, L. Dai, and Y. P. Xu, Growth and Morphologies of Large-Scale SnO2 Nanowires, Nanobelts and Nanodendrites, Applied Physics A-Materials Science & Processing, 76 (2003), 291-94.

Y. T. Song, W. J. Wang, W. X. Yuan, X. Wu, and X. L. Chen, Bulk GaN Single Crystals: Growth Conditions by Flux Method, Journal of Crystal Growth, 247 (2003), 275-78.

W. J. Wang, W. X. Yuan, Y. T. Song, and X. L. Chen, Thermodynamic Calculation of the Lithium-Nitrogen System, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 352 (2003), 103-05.

W. X. Yuan, W. J. Wang, Y. T. Song, and X. L. Chen, Thermodynamic Descriptions of the Ga-Li System, Scripta Materialia, 48 (2003), 1053-59.

Y. T. Song, X. L. Chen, W. J. Wang, W. X. Yuan, Y. G. Cao, and X. Wu, Preparation and Characterizations of Bulk GaN Crystals, Journal of Crystal Growth, 260 (2004), 327-30.

Y. T. Song, X. Wu, W. J. Wang, W. X. Yuan, and X. L. Chen, Thermal Stability and Electronic Specific Heat of GaN, Journal of A

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