■ 特邀嘉宾:张恒贵教授,曼彻斯特大学、鹏城实验室

嘉宾简介:******。英国曼彻斯特大学物理与天文学院讲席教授、哈尔滨工业大学计算机科学与技术学院首席教授(兼职)。2019年当选英国皇家人文艺术学会会员 (Fellow of the Royal Society of Arts)、英国皇家生物学会会员 (Fellow of the Royal Society of Biology), 分获荣誉头衔FRSA与FRSB。在计算心脏动力学、虚拟生理器官相关研究方面取得了一系列具有影响力和独创性的重要成果。已发表期刊与会议文章400多篇,其中在同行评议的国际权威期刊 (SCI, 如Circulation(IF>22)、Circ Res(IF>13)、Nature Communication等)发表文章200多篇。 多项工作引起广泛的公众兴趣,被多国家、多媒体报道(如BBC等媒体)。Citation (论文引用): >7300次,H-index (H因子): 45。主持英国BBSRC、EPSRC、BHF、Wellcome Trust基金项目、欧盟第7框架项目、中国自然基金项目、制药企业与投资公司项目等20余项。被邀请在多个著名国际会议上做特邀报告/大会报告并担任会议主席,迄今为止已成功组织多场国际会议。

演讲题目:Virtual heart - a basis for developing a wearable ECG imaging system for detecting origins of cardiac arrhythmias

演讲简介:Cardiac arrhythmias including atrial fibrillation (AF) are the most common cardiac diseases causing morbidity, stroke and sudden death. It is believed that cardiac arrhythmias are associated with electrical storms presenting uncoordinated multiple excitation wavelets that desynchronized the mechanical contraction of the heart. Current treatment of AF may use RF ablation, but it is a challenge to locate the origin of the electrical storms for targeted ablation. Recent advances in bio-sensor engineering and biomedical sciences shed light to image the functional electrical activity non-invasively. In this talk, I shall review recent progresses in the development of virtual heart (eHeart) and multi-lead wearable ECG vest to image the electrical activity of the heart by a combined approach of solving forward and inverse problems.

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