3. 欧阳剑 上海外国语大学


4. 严怡宁 上海外国语大学


对谈人:陈沛芹 上海外国语大学


腾讯会议:405 275 596

主持人:ZHANG Chunyu, Shanghai International Studies University

1. LI Zhou, Southwest Jiaotong University

演讲题目:The ideograph of territorial sovereignty: Framing of China’s Belt and Road Initiative by the Times of India

2. JIANG Xinxin, Southwestern University of Finance and Economics

演讲题目:Mapping China through culinary cartography in Bourdain’s Parts Unknown

3. JIANG Jing, Hunan University

演讲题目:Work & worldviews: National images in the eye of Chinese and American apparel practitioners

4. LIU Yang, Beijing Foreign Studies University

演讲题目:Cultural bridges and reimagined locations: Western international students’ decision-making of studying in China

对谈人:JI Yadong, North Central College


腾讯会议:337 468 619

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