9. 向拉, 丁宇, 王奎. 天然气替代率对混燃式气体机放热率的影响. 哈尔滨工程大学学报 2018(02): 317-323.

10. Ding Y, Sui C, Li J. An Experimental Investigation into Combustion Fitting in a Direct Injection Marine Diesel Engine. Applied Sciences 2018, 8(12): 2489.

11. Ding Y, Xiang L, Li J, Cui H, Zhang Y. Modeling of Thermodynamic Properties of Diesel Fuel and In-Cylinder Gas for Diesel Engine Combustion Investigation. Energy Fuels 2018, 32(12): 12871-12883.

12. Sui C, Song E, Stapersma D, Ding Y. Mean value modelling of diesel engine combustion based on parameterized finite stage cylinder process. Ocean Engineering 2017, 136: 218-232.

13. Ding Y, Stapersma D, Grimmelius H. Using Parametrized Finite Combustion Stage Models to Characterize Combustion in Diesel Engines. Energy Fuels 2012, 26(12): 7099-7106.

14. Ding Y, Stapersma D, Knoll H, Grimmelius HT. A new method to smooth the in-cylinder pressure signal for combustion analysis in diesel engines. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part A: Journal of Power and Energy 2011, 225(3): 309-318.


1. Ding Y, Ren H, Sui C, Wang C, Wu A. Design and Application of a Ship Propulsion System Matching Platform with Low-Speed Engine. CIMAC Congress 2019. Vancouver, Canada; 2019.

2. Cui H, Xu K, Xiang L, Ding Y. Knocking Performance Comparison between Marine Natural Gas Engines and Dual-fuel engines. 2nd International Conference on Modelling and Optimisation of Ship Energy Systems. Glasgow, UK; 2019.

3. Xu J, Ding Y, Sui C. Analysis of ship performance based on fuel consumption comparison under different manoeuvring conditions. 2nd International Conference on Modelling and Optimisation of Ship Energy Systems. Glasgow, UK; 2019.

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