
联系方式:024-83970106 xpma@imr.ac.cn



1999年9月~2003年7月, 东北大学, 材料科学与工程, 学士

2003年9月~2006年3月, 东北大学, 材料学, 硕士

2006年9月~2010年4月,中国科学院金属研究所, 材料学, 博士







(1)Xiaoping Ma,

Dianzhong Li. Multiscale Discrete crystal growth in the solidification of 20SiMnMo5

steel. Crystal Growth and Design, 16,3163-3169, 2016

(2)Xiaoping Ma,

Dianzhong Li. Interrupted interface growth and periodic boundarylayer trapping

indendrite growth of steel. Applied Physics Letter, 102, 241903, 2013

(3)Xiaoping Ma,

Dianzhong Li. Heterogeneous strip originated from the separate enriched melt:

Innate character and physical mechanism. Internatiaonal Journal of Heat and

Mass Transfer. 598, 558-567, 2016

(4)Xiaoping Ma,

Dianzhong Li. Non-equilibrium solidification and microsegregation mechanism

based on interface evolution and discrete crystal growth. Metallurgical and

Materials Transactions A, 46, 549-555, 2015

(5)Xiaoping Ma,

Xiuhong Kang, Dianzhong Li. Different crystal growth and microsegregation

mechanisms based on interface evolution in 0Cr18Ni9 stainless steel ingot.

Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 681, 492-498, 2016

(6)Xiaoping Ma,

Dianzhong Li. Macrosegregation and formation mechanism in steel ingot with

designed local thermal control. ISIJ International, 54, 356-358, 2014

(7)Xiaoping Ma,

Dianzhong Li. Evolution of the temperature, microstructures and

microsegregation in equiaxed solidification of Al-5 wt.% Cu alloy.

International Journal of Materials Research. 108, 364-377, 2017

(8)Xiaoping Ma,

Yingju Li, Yuansheng Yang. Grain refinement effect of pulsed magnetic field on

as-cast superalloyK417. Journal of Materials Research. 24, 2670-2676, 2009

(9)Xiaoping Ma,

Yingju Li, Yuansheng Yang. Grain refinement effect of pulsed magnetic field on

solidified microstructure of superalloyIN718. Journal of Materials Research.

24, 3174-3181, 2009

(10)Xiaoping Ma,

Yingju Li, Yuansheng

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