[28]蔡彩玲,唐春明,余玉银,高隆,赖媛. GL (4, F 2)上4* 4轻量级MDS矩阵分析.密码学报. 2017, 4 (4): 372-383.

[29]Xing Hu, Chunming Tang, and Duncan S. Wong. Highly efficient proxy re-encryption schemes for user-end encrypted cloud data sharing. In 15th International Symposium on Parallel and Distributed Computing (ISPDC), IEEE, 2016, pp. 261-268.

[30] Chunming Tang, Yuenai Chen. Montone Span Program vs. Linear Code. Chinese Journal of Electronics, 2016

[31] Can Xiang, Chunming Tang. New verifiable outsourced computation scheme for an aribitrary function. International Journal of Grid and Utility Computing. 2016

[32] Ping Li, Tong Li, Zhengan Yao, Chunming Tang, Jin Li. Privacy-preserving outsourcing of image feature extraction in cloud computing. Soft computing. 2016

[33] Jikai Teng, Chuankun Wu, Chunming Tang, Youliang Tian. A strongly secure identity-based authenticated group key exchange protocol. Science China, Information Sciences, 2015

[34] Can Xiang, Chunming Tang, Yunlu Cai, Qiuxia Xu. Privacy-preserving face recognition with outsourced computation. Soft Computing, 2015.

[35] Yan Ren, Chunming Tang, Guilin Wang, Duncan S. Wong. Attributed-based signature schemes with accountability. International Journal of Information and Communication Technology. 2015

[36] Xing Hu, Chunming Tang. Secure outsourced computation of the characteristic polynomial and eigenvalues of matrix. Journal of Cloud Computing, 2015

[37] Can Xiang, Chunming Tang. Securely verifiable outsourcing schemes of matrix calculation. International Journal of High Performance Computing and Networking, 2015

[38] Can Xiang, Chunming Tang. Efficient outsourcing schemes of modular exponentiation with checkability for untrusted cloud server. Journal of Ambient Intelligence and Humanized Computing, 2015

[39] Qingfeng Chen, Chunming Tang. Cryptanalysis of an ID-based authenticated dynamic group key agreement with optimal round. International Journal of Network Security. 2015

[40] Quan Zhou, Chunming Tang, Xianghan Zhen, Chunming Rong.

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