10. 吴敬花, 周启海, 刘家芬. 现代支付系统信息安全的反欺诈监测模型研究,计算机科学,37(12):76-80,2010.

11. Liu Jiafen and Zhou Mingtian .Breaking through the Limitation on Authentication Test, in Journal of Software, 20(10):2799-2809, 2009.

12. Liu Jiafen and Zhou Mingtian.Research and Improvement on Authentication Test’s Limitation, in High technology Letters, 14(2):20-24, 2008.

13. Liu Jiafen and Zhou Mingtian.Research and Taxonomy of Replay Attacks on Security Protocol,in Application Research of Computers,24(3):135-139, 2007.

14. Liu Jiafen and Zhou Mingtian.Verification of X.509 with Authentication Test. in Computer Engineering and Applications, 42(8):23-25, 2006.

15. Liu Jiafen, Liu Bo, She Kun, and Zhou Mingtian.Intrusion Detection System Model Based On Artificial Immunity, in Computer Engineering and Applications, 21(a):119-121, 2004.


16. Jiafen Liu*,Xiaodong Li. Implicit Authentication based on Chinese Long Text Input. PACIS 2017, Malaysia.

17. Haichao Zheng, Zihao Qi, Xin Luo, Jiafen Liu. The Value of Backers’ Word-of-Mouth in Screening Crowdfunding Projects: An Empirical Investigation.In proc of 16th International Conference on Electronic Business(ICEB 2016). Xiamen China,2016.

18. Xiaodong Li, Jiafen Liu*. Keystroke Biometric Recognition on Chinese Long Text Input. the series Lecture Notes in Computer Science 2016. Volume 9794. 260-271.

19. Nan Li, Jiafen Liu*, et al. Online Signature Verification Based on Biometric Features. In proc of 49th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences(HICSS 2016). Hawaii: IEEE, 2016:5527-5534

20. Yong Liu,Jiafen Liu*, et al. I Know It’s You: Touch Behavioral Characteristics Recognition on Smartphone Based on Pattern Password. PACIS 2015.

21. Jiafen Liu, Qixu Gong, Tiejun Wang, Wen Zhu, Qing Li. Looking For Gold in the Sands: stock market prediction using financial news and social media, PACIS 2013, 2013

22. Xiumeng Han, Jiafen Liu*. Improved Authentication Tests Theory and its Application in E-commerce Protocols, In: the Proc. of 5th Internation

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