1、 Zongmin Li, Zijian Wu, Kai Chen, Yongzhou Gan ,Zhenzhong Kuang. Evidence-Based SVM Fusion for 3D Model Retrieval, accepted by Multimedia Tools and Application。SCI

2、 李宗民,公绪超.“基于多特征联合建模的视频对象分割技术研究”,计算机学报,已录用. EI

3、 李宗民,唐志辉. 九宫格空间框架的图书图像检索[J]. 中国图象图形学报, 2013, 18(3):325~329

4、 Yujie Liu,Xiaodong Zhang,Zongmin Li,Hua Li, Extended Cone-Curvature Based Salient Points Detection and 3D Model Retrieval,Multimedia Tools and Applications (online first), 2012。SCI

5、 刘玉杰,李峰 ,李宗民 ,李华 ,林茂 ,中文图书封面文本定位及中文图书检索,软件学报, 23(zk2):77-84,2012. EI

6、 Li Zongmin, Liu Yang, Li Hua. Multi-kernel Co-SVM with a new strategy using unlabeled data for Image Retrieval,The 2011 International Conference on Pervasive Computing and Application,2011.10,433-436,EI

7、 Li Zongmin , Hong Xiaoxuan , Liu Yujie . Detection geometric object in the conformal geometric algebra framework,Proceedings - 12th International Conference on Computer-Aided Design and Computer Graphics, CAD/Graphics 2011,2011.9,198-201,EI

8、 Li Zongmin, Zhong Liangliang. Efficient Foreground Layer Extraction in Video,The 2010 Pacific-Rim Conference on Multimedia (PCM 2010), 6297 LNCS, PART 1, 319-329, 2010. EI

9、 Li Zongmin,Wang Daqian, Li Boyang, Zhong Liangliang. 3D Model Classification using Salient Features for Content Representation, the 3nd International Conference on Natural Computation, 3541-3545, 2010. EI

10、 Zongmin Li, Yang Liu, Hua Li. Incorporating Multiple SVMs for Active Feedback in Image Retrieval Using Unlabeled Data, Proceedings of SPIE -The 2nd International Conference on Digital Image Processing (ICDIP 2010), Vol.7546, 75462N1-6, 2010. EI

11、 Li Zongmin, Zhong Liangliang. An Efficient Framework for Detecting Moving Objects and Structural Lanes in Video Based Surveillance Systems, 2009 Joint Conferences on Pervasive Computing, JCPC 2009, 355-358, 2009. EI

12、 李宗民; 陆天波; 桑鑫焱; 秦宝山; 基于最小惯性轴及链码的图像形状描述方法,通信学报, 2009-04,Vol.30 No.4,1-5. LI Zong-min; LU Tian-bo; SANG Xin-yan; QIN Bao-shan;Shape description based on axis of least

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