赵春娜,李英顺,陆涛. 《分数阶系统分析与设计》, 国防工业出版社, 2011

Chunna Zhao, Shanshan Li. Formalization of fractional order PD control systems in HOL4. Theoretical Computer Science, Vol.706: 22-34,2018.

Chunna Zhao,Likun Shi,Liming Luo,Yong Guan,Xiaojuan Li,Zhiping Shi. Formal Modeling and Verification of Fractional Order Linear Systems. ISA Transactions,Vol.62:87-93,2016.

李姗姗,赵春娜(*),关永,施智平,王瑞,李晓娟,叶世伟. 分数阶微积分定义的一致性在HOL4中的验证. 计算机科学, Vol.43(3):23-27,2016.

Li Shanshan,Zhao Chunna(*),Guan Yong,Shi Zhiping,Li Xiaojuan,Wang Rui,Research on the Higher-order Logic Formalization of Fractance Element,IEEE/CAA Journal of Automatica Sinica,Vol.13(9):248-256,2016.

Chunna Zhao. Research on Linear Fractional Town Traffic Flow Model Tactic. Transactions on Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence, Vol.3(6):70-79,2015.

赵刚、赵春娜、关永、吕兴利、李晓娟、施智平、王瑞、叶世伟 ,拉普拉斯变换微积分性质在HOL4中的形式化, 小型微型计算机系统, Vol.9: 2177-2181,2014.

师丽坤、赵春娜、关永、施智平、李晓娟、叶世伟 ,实数二项式系数在HOL4中的形式化, 计算机科学, Vol.2: 15-18,2014.


chunna zhao, liming luo, and yu zhao. Fractional modeling approach with mittag-leffler functions for linear fractional-order system. 2012 5th International Conference on Intelligent Computation Technology and Automation, ICICTA 2012, p 386-389, 2012。

chunna zhao, liming luo, and yingshun li. Ecological environment evaluation method based on ideal correlation degree. Advances in Biomedical Engineering, 2012, Vol. 7 : 142-148.

chunna zhao, liming luo, yingshun li and yu zhao. Fractional Modeling and Simulation on Urban Expressway Traffic Flow. Journal of Nanoelectronics and Optoelectronics, 2012, Vol.7, n 2: 191-194.

Zhao chunna, zhao yu, tan xiaohui,li yingshun, luo liming. Course evaluation method based on analytic hierarchy process. Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering, Future Communication, Computing, Control and Management. Vol. 142(2), p 275-283, 2012。

Zhao, Chunna; Luo, Liming; Li, Yingshun. Fractional Modeling Method Based on Mittag-Leffler Functions for Curricu

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