

1. Lin Yihua, Zeng Qingcun, 2001, Geophysical Fluid Dynamics, The Collection of Great Classics for Sciences in China of Twentieth Century (in Chinese), in press.

2. Lin Yihua, Zeng Qingcun, 2000, Functions of the Different Type Disturbances in a Simple Air-sea Coupled Model in the Tropics, Chinese Journal of Geophysics (in Chinese with English Abstract), Vol. 43(3), 304-311.

3. Lin Yihua, Zeng Qingcun, Ji Zhongzhen, 1999, Low Frequency Tropical Disturbances Forced by Meridional Wind Stress, Progress in Nature Science, Vol. 9(7), 532-538.

4. Lin Yihua, Zeng Qingcun, 1999, Kelvin Waves in a Simple Air-sea Coupled Model in the Tropics, Progress in Nature Science, Vol. 9(3), 211-215.

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