孙凌云,博士,主任医师/教授,博士生导师 ,南京鼓楼医院副院长、南京大学风湿免疫研究所所长。现任国家干细胞专家委员会委员、中国医药学会干细胞质量控制和研究委员会副主任委员,江苏风湿病学会主任委员。曾任全国风湿病学会副主任委员。

● 演讲题目:


● 演讲摘要:



● 历年研究领域及成果介绍:


在Cell Stem Cell、Nat Immunol、Nat Med、Immunity等发表论文488篇,其中SCI论文160篇,主参编专著16部。Int J Rheum Dis、Pathologie Biologie副主编,Arthritis Res Ther、QJM、Cell Mol Immunol 编委。获江苏省科技进步一等奖、中华医学二等奖、教育部科技进步二等奖等。承担国家省部级科研项目22项。2015年获第七届国家卫生计生委突出贡献中青年专家。江苏省医学杰出人才、江苏省中青年首席科学家、南京十大科技之星、南京科技功臣、南京市劳模。2002国务院特殊津贴。

● 演讲人:

Xianmin Zeng Professor Buck Institute for Research on Aging

● 演讲题目:

《iPSC-based retinal progenitor therapy》

● 演讲摘要:

We have developed several current Good Manufacture Practice (cGMP)-compliant induced pluripotent stem cell (iPSC) lines for clinical applications, and have shown that multiple cellular products can be generated from a single working cell bank (WCB). Using a stock prepared from the cGMP-compliant WCB, we tested differentiation into therapeutically relevant cell types of the three germ layers using standardized but generic protocols.

In addition, we introduced a constitutively expressed GFP cassette in Chr13 safe harbor site by genome editing and observed no significant difference in growth and differentiation between the engineered line and the control line, indicating that engineered products can be made using a standardized methodology.

We believe that our demonstration that multiple products can be made from the same WCB and that the same protocols can be used with multiple lines offers a path to a cost-effective strategy for developing cellular products from iPSC lines. I will d

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