
华东师范大学理学博士,多年Alevel和IGCSE体系的国际物理课程教学工作经验,对这一体系四个年级的课程十分熟悉,教学之余辅导学生参加Physics Bowl物理竞赛,并为报考牛津大学、剑桥大学的同学提供PAT辅导。2015年CIE考试中,所教授毕业班的学生周某成绩在全中国区排名TOP1。

PHD in Science, ECNU(East Chinese Normal University). She has been teaching experience in physics of International curriculum systems(A-level and IGCSE). Xiong is quite familiar with her system. Besides teaching, she also helped students to attend Physics Bowl Contest and to provide them with PAT tutoring in order to apply for Cambridge and Oxford University. In 2015 CAIE, her student ranked top 1 in China.


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