保罗·科布利(Paul Cobley)


保罗·科布利(Paul Cobley),英国著名学者,现任国际符号学协会主席(2014-2019),英国伦敦米德赛斯大学媒体与传播学院教授,研究方向是语言与媒体传播,曾担任欧盟伊拉斯漠项目负责人。科布利教授曾分别在英国萨塞克斯大学和伦敦帝国理工学院学习,并于1992年得到博士学位。他教学经验十分丰富,曾经在包括美国波士顿大学,瑞士提切洛大学、英国伦敦都市大学在内的9个学校授课。从1998年至今,他先后获得了包括媒体文化研究奖在内的5个国际性的奖项,得到了国际传媒界的认可与肯定。他曾经先后60次受邀参加世界各国举办的国际符号学、传媒学术研讨会,并在会上发表自己的学术成果。


Code in semiotics and communication

The idea that codes exist is frequently taken for granted. It has been reified by the consolidation of cryptography and the rise of electronic communications in a history that is concurrent with modern communication science. In the early development of semiotics, many promoted a version of sign study in which ‘language’ and ‘codes’ were somehow synonymous. Especially influential was the ‘semiology’ of Saussure and his amenuenses, as well as the theory of semiotics offered by Umberto Eco. Yet, through the ‘major tradition’ of semiotics identified by Sebeok where Peirce is pre-eminent, there is an inexorable movement towards what might be called ‘interpretation semiotics’ (as opposed to ‘code semiotics’). Concurrent with the crystallization of the major tradition, the linguist Roy Harris has done much, for Western and Eastern audiences, to dismantle the fixed-code fallacy. This paper will suggest consider some of the challenges posed by, as well as lying in wait for, a future-orientated interpretation semiotics that seeks to further elucidate the nature of communication beyond the concept of ‘code’.

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