



2019-至今, 中国石油大学(北京),非常规院/人工智能学院,教师

2016-2017, 美国德州农工大学, 石油工程系,联合培养博士生

2014-2019, 中国石油大学(北京),油气井工程,硕博连读博士阶段

2013-2014, 中国石油大学(北京),油气井工程,硕博连读硕士阶段

2009-2013, 中国石油大学(华东),石油工程, 学士




[1]. Xiaodong Hu, Xianzhi Song, Gensheng Li, Zhonghou Shen, Zehao Lyu, Yu Shi. Shape Factor of the Flake-like Particle in Thermal Spallation and its Effects on Settling and Transport Behavior in Drilling Annulus. Powder Technology. 2018, 335: 211-221.

[2]. Xiaodong Hu, Xianzhi Song, Gensheng Li, Zhonghou Shen, Zehao Lyu, Yu Shi, Rui Zheng. An Analytical Model to Evaluate the Heating Conditions for Drilling in Hard Rock using an Innovative Hydrothermal Spallation Method. Applied Thermal Engineering, 2018,142: 709-716.

[3]. Xiaodong Hu, Xianzhi Song, Yu Liu, Gensheng Li, Zhonghou Shen, Zehao Lyu. Aspect Ratio of Spalls of Granite in Flame-jet Spallation and Its Effect on the Modeling Prediction of Spallation Properties. Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering, 2018,171: 1390-1399.

[4]. Xiaodong Hu, Xianzhi Song, Yu Liu, Gensheng Li, Zhonghou Shen, Zehao Lyu. Lowest Required Surface Temperature in Thermal Spallation for Granite and Sandstone: Experiment and Simulation. Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering, 2019, 52:1689-1703.

[5]. Xiaodong Hu, Xianzhi Song, Yu Liu, Zhen Cheng, Jiayan Ji, Zhonghou Shen. Experiment investigation of granite damage under the high-temperature and high-pressure supercritical water condition. Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering. 2019, 180: 289-297.

[6]. Xiaodong Hu, Kan Wu, Xianzhi Song, Wei Yu, Lihua Zuo, Gensheng Li, Zhonghou Shen. Development of A New Mathematical Model to Quantitatively Evaluate Equilibrium Height of Proppant Bed in Hydraulic Fractures For Slickwater Treatment. SPE Journal. 2018. 23(06):2158-2174.

[7]. Xiaodong Hu, Kan Wu, Xianzhi Song, Wei Yu, Jizhou Tang, Gensheng Li, Zhonghou Shen. A New Model for

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