

John has rich teaching experience in famous schools. He worked for ‘Top 50 High School in China’ for a long time, which makes him very familiar with domestic and overseas education system. His students were successfully admitted to famous universities, such as Imperial College London, UBC, and RWTH Aachen.

Oliver Holton:化学教师


Mr Holton studied Chemistry at Oxford University and won bronze for UK team in the International Chemistry Olympiad. He has worked in the chemical industry and previously taught at Tsinghua University, Beijing.




John has rich teaching experience in famous schools. He worked for ‘Top 50 High School in China’ for a long time, which makes him very familiar with domestic and overseas education system. His students were successfully admitted to famous universities, such as Imperial College London, UBC, and RWTH Aachen.

Oliver Holton



Mr Holton studied Chemistry at Oxford University and won bronze for UK team in the International Chemistry Olympiad. He has worked in the chemical industry and previously taught at Tsinghua University, Beijing.

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