



潘文 特任教授,博导,2018年加入免疫所。2006年毕业于南京大学,获学士学位;2012年毕业于上海生命科学研究院,获博士学位;2013至2018年于耶鲁大学从事博士后研究,期间获得美国LLS基金会Fellow Award;主要研究成果分别发表在Immunity、Nat Med、Nat Commun以及J Immunol等期刊上,多次被Nat Rev Immunol、Nat Med、Nat Immunol点评以及被Faculty 1000收录和推荐。



1. Pan, W., K. Qu, S. Zhu, K. Meeth, J. Cheng, H. Ma, Y. Liao, X. Wen, C. Roden, Z. Tobiasova, Z. Wei, J. Zhao, J. Liu, J. Zheng, B. Guo, M. Bosenberg, R.Flavell, J. Lu.The DNA methylcytosine dioxygenaseTet2 sustains immunosuppressive function of tumor-infiltrating myeloid cells to promote melanoma progression. 2017. Immunity. 47:284-297.

2.Pan,W.,D. Dai,S.Zhu,Z.Liu,D. Li,B.Li,Y.Tang,N. Gagliani, M. Weirauch,X. Chen,W. Zhu,Y. Qian,L. Richman,B. Jallal,J.B. Harley,RichardFlavell,Y.YaoandN.Shen.MiR-125a targets effectorprograms to stabilizeTreg-mediated immunehomeostasis. Nat Commun.(2015) May12; 6:7096.

3.Zhu,S.*,W.Pan*,X. Song,Y. Liu,Y. Tang,H. Wang,W. Liu,Y. Shi, D. He,J.B. Harley, N. ShenandY.Qian.ThemicroRNAmiR-23bsuppressesIL-17-associated autoimmuneinflammationbytargetingTAB2, TAB3andIKK-α.Nat Med. (2012) 18 (7), 1077-1086 (*co-first author)

4.Pan,W.,S.Zhu,M.Yuan,H.Cui,L.Wang,X.Luo,J.Li,H.Zhou,Y.Tang,andN.Shen.2010. MicroRNA-21and microRNA-148a contribute to DNA hypomethy lationinlupus CD4+ Tcellsby directly and indirectly targeting DNA methyltransferase1.J Immunol.184:6773-6781.

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